Our partners

Many thanks to our partners

for the instructive exchange and valuable support, including via (partial) scholarships

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Frequently asked questions

Which children are accepted to the LzE?

The LzE is open to all children - regardless of their parents‘ religion, ethnic origin, worldview and income. After the trial days and detailed information sessions with the parents, an individual admission interview takes place for each child at the LzE.

Are there fixed entry dates?

The LzE can accept new students at any time, including during the current school year.

How does LzE differ from other schools?

The LzE wants equally intellectual, creative, artistic and practical
and develop social skills in children and young people.

From the first school year onwards, LzE students learn three foreign languages. Boys and girls knit, sew and tailor together in handicrafts and saw, hammer and file together in craft lessons. It is important to us that both the left and (and especially) the right hemisphere of the brain are used alternately and are linked through movements such as Brain Gym, dance or martial arts.

From the first grade onwards, the LzE students study a play they have written themselves and deal with a topic of their choice in theory and practice in a semester paper. Gardening and forest visits are also integral parts of the curriculum.

Is the LzE a day school?

The LzE has daily structures. We have lunch together. The breaks are organized individually with the learning companions.

In the morning, the students come to the LzE from 8:30 a.m.

The timetables are as follows:

Mon, Wed, Fri, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m

1. Kindergarten:
Mon, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Wed and Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m

2nd kindergarten – 2nd grade:
Mon, Tue 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and Wed, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m

3rd grade – 6th grade:
Mon, Tue 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Thurs 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and Wed, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m

7th grade – 9th grade:
Mon, Tue, Thurs 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and Wed, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m

Are there trial opportunities?

We have many requests for a place in the LzE. In principle, a sniff is possible at any time. Before the trial, we invite the parents to have a conversation. The LzE management introduces you to the LzE and answers your questions. The financing is then discussed and the trial is arranged.

Is there homework?

The LzE'ers should use the times so that they do not take any homework home with them. It is important to us that we rhythmize the LzE times so that the tasks can be done in the LzE. But there are always students who like to learn additionally at home.
Basically, our aim is to encourage or ignite the joy of learning in the child, so that every work - in the LzE or at home - is completed with fun and intrinsic motivation.

Is it true that there are no grades in the LzE?

From the 1st to the 6th grade, the following applies: Even if the LzE waives grades, the student work is of course recognized. Instead of grades, there are individual assessments in which the teachers pay equal attention to the personal development and learning progress of their students. So it's not just the level of knowledge that counts, but rather the overall development over a certain period of time. LzE students learn from kindergarten to sixth grade in a stable class community, regardless of the school qualification they are aiming for: no one is left behind on the way.
From the 7th grade onwards, the LzE offers students voluntary tests and work with grades. These help learners prepare for day X in order to access and test their knowledge. No artificial pressure is created, but rather the intrinsic motivation to master learning topics is encouraged. This also ensures that the students can provide employers with certificates comparable to those from elementary school.

Without grades and without sitting, are the children even motivated to learn?

Since our everyday learning routine is very action-oriented and tailored to the respective development phase of the learning partners, this question rarely arises. The children and young people develop their own initiative not because of external pressure to perform, but rather because of a lively interest and personal enthusiasm for the diverse everyday learning content. The learning companion designs these creatively and realistically, so that they are based on the children's personal experiences and give them their own experiences.

What is meant by “epoch teaching”?

During the first two hours of each morning, the students work intensively on one subject area over several weeks. For example, the students have two hours of mathematics, geography, German, history or another major subject every morning for three weeks. After a few weeks, the content of the era changes to a different topic so that students connect with it deeply. The learning partners consolidate basic skills such as arithmetic or writing in ongoing practice sessions beyond the period lessons. Following the period lessons, specialist teachers take over the lessons in sports, foreign languages, music and the craft and artistic subjects.

Can a teacher even be qualified in all subjects?

It applies equally to class, specialist and upper school teachers that their training must be at least equivalent to state training. In the lower and middle schools, the focus of all learning is not only on imparting pure specialist knowledge, but it is also about enabling the learning partners to have a lively, experience-rich relationship with the learning content. Learning can be fun – for a lifetime.

How are young people in high school prepared for the world of work?

In the upper grades, academically or technically trained learning guides teach the young people in all subjects. The practical skills that the learning partners have acquired over the entire LtE period are supplemented by various internships: in an agricultural and a forestry internship, at a programming company, with an architect, etc., the learning partners receive an extremely realistic experience Training basis. The actual purpose of the internships is not to find a career, but rather to practice important social skills.

Does the LzE have a special worldview?

The LzE is ideologically, politically and religiously independent. Quality is at the center of what we do. Our aim is to deliver quality in everyday learning, in the care and support of learning partners, in dealing with parents and in private school and company management.

School fees

Basically, the following monthly contributions apply in the LzE. However, since we are increasingly working with companies from the region, there are regular requests
Opportunities for (partial) scholarships ( see blog ). For further information please contact us via tkochanek@immersivelearningspace.ch

Playgroup: sFr 500
1. Kindergarten: CHF 990
Cycle 1 (2nd kindergarten – 2nd grade): sFr 1,390
Cycle 2 (3rd grade – 6th grade): sFr 1,990
Cycle 3 (7th grade – 9th grade): sFr 2,490

plus lunch (optional).

Why should companies work with the LzE?

Companies can benefit from working with the LzE by getting to know qualified and well-trained graduates while they are still at school, integrating them into ongoing company processes at an early stage and thus reducing the training time for potential future employees. The LzE values individual support and practice-oriented education, which meets the needs of the economy.

What advantages does working with the LzE offer for companies?

+ Access to highly qualified graduates with specific skills and knowledge.
+ Ability to co-design curricula to ensure graduates meet labor market requirements.
+ Networking opportunities with educational institutions and potential future employees.

Which programs or specialist areas does the LzE offer that could be relevant for companies?

Companies can find out about the programs offered via tkochanek@LzE.schule or tkochanek@immersivelearningspace.ch to ensure that students' training meets the needs of their specific sector. These can include areas such as technology, business, engineering or other specialized fields.

How can companies cooperate with the LzE?

+ Establishment of mini-internships (1-3 days) as well as internship programs or dual training models
+ Selective project work from everyday company life by LzE student groups
+ Offering guest lectures, e.g. within the OpenLzE lecture series
+ Enabling research and development projects in collaboration with the LzE
+ Company visits from mixed-age groups from the LzE
+ Acceptance of scholarships for LzE students
+ Participation in student companies via seed investments

What kind of resources or support can companies expect from LzE?

+ Opportunity to participate in employee education and training programs.
+ Coordination of industry-specific training or seminars.
+ Access to a network consisting of entrepreneurs, research institutions and educational institutions from the region.

How can companies ensure that graduates have required skills and qualifications?

The LzE would like to have an active dialogue with companies from the region. In this way, companies can actively participate in the development process of curricula, offer (mini) internship and training programs and provide regular feedback on the needs of the labor market.

How can the long-term partnership between companies and the LzE be strengthened?

+ Continuous exchange of information and feedback.
+ Develop long-term programs that meet the needs of both parties.
+ Promotion of alumni networks and other cooperation opportunities.